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How the Nazis deceived Jews into ‘safe zones’ and then killed them, is morally no different to what Israel is doing to Palestinians today

Auschwitz (Phot credit: CIPDH) Jews and other victims of the Holocaust were often deceived about their fate when they were taken to gas chambers. Nazi authorities used various methods of psychological manipulation and deception to keep the victims calm and prevent resistance. Key Tactics of Deception: Examples: This deliberate deception was a critical component of […]

Palestine ‘Israel’ history 101

Every peoples in the world can trace their ancestry back to one place or another in the world. ā€œItā€™s our ā€˜ancestral homelandā€™. So we have right to a Jewish majority stateā€. Nooooooo. NĆ² No other group is offered this luxury. Many can trace their ancestry back to kingdoms in what is today known as India, […]

Judaist terrorism is out of control in the West Bank, Palestine

Judaist terrorists have been violently attacking and stealing the homes of indigenous Palestinians in the West Bank for more than 50 years. (Photo credit: yahoo) The latest victims to be forcibly removed from their homes is a Palestinian Christian family – the Kisiya family. They have lived their for generations – but radicalised Jewish settlers […]

Norman Finkelstein advised not to use the slogan “From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”, does he have a point?

Dr Norman Finkelstein’s Message to Columbia University Protesters on April 19. A few weeks ago Norman Finkelstein said ā€œfrom the river to sea, Palestine will be freeā€ can have different meanings and interpretations. Zionists use similar words too, where they mean all of historic Palestine should be sovereign Israel without a sovereign Palestine. And Zionists […]

Does Israel have a right to exist – in short, no

Israel has has had plans for a “Greater Israel” for as long as Zionism has existed. It has not been able to fulfill it because there has never been any realistic ways to achieve it. If it could do it, it would do it today! I often get asked if I believe Israel has the […]

Jesus was a Jew. And?

Jesus may have been a Jew. My neighbourā€™s ancestors may have been Christians who lived in Africa. My relativeā€™s ancestors may have been Muslims who lived in Europe. My ancestors may have lived in La La Land. None of those things mean anyone has a right, centuries later, to go back and lay claim to […]

Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestinian Territories – recently said that the Israelis cannot claim ā€œself-defenceā€ in any of the ā€œIllegally occupied Palestinian territoriesā€. And we concur. Hereā€™s whyā€¦

Francesca Albanese (photo credit: Twitter). Last week, Francesca Albanese said that Israel canā€™t claim self-defence in the illegally occupied territories. Legally, this is straightforward. Because Israel is basically an illegal occupier in those territories, and no illegal occupiers in any legal jurisdiction in the world, are afforded the defence argument of ā€œself-defenceā€. To claim it, […]

Yishai Fleisher, Exposed.

Yishai Fleisher, seen here on the right, is an advisor to the extremist Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir. (photo credit: BBC) And the outrageous fabrications and disinformation continue, rushing in like a tsunami. The tweet was made by Fleisher from his official Twitter account. One would expect that senior advisors to a government wouldn’t […]

ADL and Greenblatt’s misguided obsession

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and national director of the Anti-Defamation League. Credit: ADL. ADL is obsessed with trying to convince Americans that anti-Zionism is the same as anti-Semitism. Even though theyā€™re fundamentally different – ADL and its CEO Greenblatt’s obsession is very odd. Given the fact that the vast majority of reported Jew hatred comes from […]

Israel advocacy is riddled with racism

We often see this amongst many of Israel’s ‘activists’ and supporters, who show a disregard for the existence of Palestine and Palestinians. Incidentally, that was the stated aim of the Nazis – the eradication or non-existence of a group. Israel advocacy groups and individuals should heed lessons from the darkest time in their history, rather […]

All Deaths Are A Human Tragedy

All deaths are a human tragedy ā€“ however, alas, apartheid and terrorising systems do have consequences. On the 26th of February, presumably a fighter from the Palestinian resistance, shot and killed two Israeli, fundamentalist illegal settler terrorists, in the illegally occupied Huwara area of Nablus. The two illegal settler terrorists who were killed, were from […]