This line has provided a good cover for decades


This line has provided a good cover for decades

Bibi has been mired in Zionist extremism for his entire political career

The Curated Edit is a place where we value you bringing your ๐Ÿ’ฏ self.

Society, globally is in the midst of a battle of wills and wits between free-speech suppressors (cancel culture) who want to take us back to the dark-ages.

And a flourishing new generation of free-speech advocates, who value โ€œtotalโ€ free-speech (within the law) as a basic human right.

Causing offence through purposeful free speech – shouldnโ€™t be penalised in any shape, way or form one single bit.

Now. Tomorrow. Ever.

Sometimes, sides have to be taken between bad and good.

Sometimes, it is as clear-cut as that.

Next Up In "Israel Advocacy" - Exposed, Europe, Middle East, Palestine and Israel, USA

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