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We called the “march against antisemitism” in London on Sunday a charade, unadulterated propaganda and here we have the proof


We called the “march against antisemitism” in London on Sunday a charade, unadulterated propaganda and here we have the proof

People at the march were asked some basic questions by a partner company we work with. This self-proclaimed “campaign” group led by Mr Falter was one of the main organisers.

Is there a rise in real antisemitism, i.e. Jew hate (a reported “incident” is not a crime per-se)? Or was this march on Sunday and the general raising of the volume by Zionists being done to oppose pro-Palestine demonstrations and show support for genocidal Israel?

You decide, watch the full video to get the full picture. These people begin with strongly asserting there is an increase in Jew hate, but when asked to give examples or share their experiences, they begin to stutter. I felt embarrassed watching it.

Next Up In "Israel Advocacy" - Exposed, Palestine and Israel

Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 11, 2024

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