Jake Wallis Simons says Muslims should reject Jihad.
Jihad is a key tenet of Islam – Jihadism is the philosophy of struggle.
Struggle against oppression and tyranny (like international law allows), struggle against oneself and struggle against the challenges of life.
Jihad is even something as basic as one’s struggle to get themselves to the gym, to help stay fit and healthy.
Simons is consumed by Muslim hate that he takes those tiny minority of Muslims who misinterpret and misrepresent this key Islamic tenet, and he extrapolates that to be “widespread”.
Even with regard to Hamas, having spoken to many in the Muslim world in recent weeks, they do not necessarily support Hamas because of what Hamas does, but they support Hamas because they see Hamas as representing the hopes and aspirations for Palestinian liberation.
The Jake’s and their hateful and extremist ilk, don’t get to tell us Muslims what principles of Islam we must reject or embrace.