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Debunking flawed Zionist theories: “we defeated the ideologies of Nazis and Imperial Japan so we can defeat the Hamas ideology too”


Debunking flawed Zionist theories: “we defeated the ideologies of Nazis and Imperial Japan so we can defeat the Hamas ideology too”

Dershowitz believes that the ideology of Hamas can be eradicated without an equally sovereign Palestinian state.

As we often say here at the TCE, “seemingly intelligent Zionist people become single digit IQ Neanderthals when it comes to discussing Palestine and Israel.”

Alan Dershowitz is a classic example of this.

Dershowitz is a devout Jewish Zionist. He is a renowned criminal lawyer in the US, and a law professor known for his work in US constitutional law. From 1964 to 2013, he taught at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz is a regular media contributor, political commentator, and legal analyst. All-in-all, someone prominent on the pro-Israel side, who one would imagine would be at the forefront of trying to bring about peace between Palestine and Israel.

But alas, people like him in the extremist Zionist camp are part of the problem.

He is widely recognised as an extremist Zionist within the pro-Palestine camp for his Jewish supremacist views, certainly in the context of Palestine and Israel; he doesn’t believe in an equally sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, nor does he believe in any Palestinian refugee return.

Contrary to what most logical and rational people believe, which is that the ideology of Hamas cannot be defeated – “Douche” believes it can. He nonsensically, and stupidly compares with to how Nazism or Imperial Japan’s ideologies were defeated:

He is too stupid or brainwashed (most likely) to understand that the Hamas ideology and that of Nazis and Imperial Japan are simply not comparable.

They are fundamentally different because the latter two are ideologies rooted in expansionism. The Nazi ideology was one of supremacism too.

Whereas the Hamas ideology is rooted in self-determination and liberation of the Palestinian homeland – which in many ways is proven by the fact that it only came in to existence to fight back against the Israeli occupation, around 40 years after the invention of Israel in 1948.

Ironically, it is Zionism that is actually akin to Nazism and Imperial Japan’s ideology.

And Zionism is what needs to be defeated like Nazism was.

Hamas exists because of Zionism – the only way to get rid of ‘Hamas’ as we know it, is to create an equally sovereign Palestinian state, and that means eradicating Zionism for what it has become today; an ideology rooted in state-sponsored terrorism, territorial expansionism and supremacism.

Next Up In Palestine and Israel, USA

Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


September 28, 2024

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