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The question of whether Israel has a right to exist in the Middle East or not is more complex than a yes or no


The question of whether Israel has a right to exist in the Middle East or not is more complex than a yes or no

The Israelites (Arab Jews, not European Jews) first entered the land of Canaan (modern day Palestine and Israel) around 1250 BCE in a genocidal invasion after they left Egypt where they were slaves. Comparable in some ways to how they entered Palestine in the 1940s after facing the Nazi Germany Holocaust. (Photo credit: WA)

There is a growing trend to blame Netanyahu and his terrorist government for all of Israel’s faults. But that is a gross distortion of the reality.

Israel has been in existence for 75 years, Netanyahu and his terrorist government have not been the only ones in power for all these years.

The government of any country is just a relatively small representation of the people, and the people are as representation of the country – the way that Israel has manifested itself for 75 years is the root problem.

Meaning, a Zionist Israel is the problem.

Israel needs to be transformed into a ā€˜normal western democratic stateā€™, it never really has been.

The question also is, can it ever be, because some western democracies didnā€™t invade and occupy to build their state, some did.

But those that did invade and occupy to build their state, NONE did it in the post war era AFTER laws were developed that illegalised such actions – Israel was formed contrary to those international laws.

Some of these laws such as the ones based on Nuremberg Principles, which outlines what constitutes crimes against peace, were introduced after the aggressions and actions of Nazi Germany.

Israel was formed in direct contravention to those laws.

Whether Israel has a right to exist or not in the Middle East is complex. Itā€™s not a straight yes or no answer.

Some folk on the pro-Palestine side sometimes compare Israel with other countries built from colonialism, like the US or Australia.

And I get the overall thrust of that message about colonialism.

But we have to be clear in making the distinction, because the distinction is critical, which is that the US and Australia colonisations occurred in periods when international law didnā€™t exist that illegalised these actions.

When Israel did it and what it continues to do today, is in clear breach of international law, and in clear breach of how civilised societies should function today.

Israel is uniquely bad.

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Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


September 28, 2024

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