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UK’s Chief Rabbi, rabbi Mirvis justifies the murder of Palestinian civilians and babies in Nuseirat refugee camp


UK’s Chief Rabbi, rabbi Mirvis justifies the murder of Palestinian civilians and babies in Nuseirat refugee camp

Rabbi Mirvis unnecessarily gets himself involved with political issues, and was recently accused by London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, of Islamophobia against Khan himself.

When Zionist rabbis are justifying the murder of Palestinian civilians, then we know it is a monstrous ideology that must be dismantled.

The problem we see is that too many anti-Zionists are not willing to confront the elephant in the room – which is extremist Religious Zionism – it is one the biggest and most influential strands of Zionism overall.

Extremist Political Zionism and extremist Religious Zionism are two sides of the same coin. They meet at the intersection of justifying murder of Palestinians to expand Zionist Israel further and further into Palestinian territory, and then potentially even beyond that.

Arguably, extremist religious Zionism is the driving force within overall Zionism, and is the most fanatical and detrimental to human life and peace.

Look at the illegal settlement Israelis versus the Israelis who live in proper Israel – which ones are more dangerous and fanatical?

What happened in Nuseirat was a massacre. 42 babies were massacred amongst the total of 274

But Mirvis justifies this by blaming… you guessed it Hamas:

Note how his racism comes to the fore here too, he mourns the death of Arnon Zamora because he is Israeli and Jewish, but blames the death of Palestinian babies and adult civilians on Hamas – no compassion whatsoever for them.

If we accept Mirvis’s monstrous theory that Hamas is to blame for the death of civilians (according to him, because Hamas uses civilians as ‘human shields’), when it is the Israelis who were the ones that did the killing, then it would be the same as this analogy:

  • Imagine any hostage scenario where the hostage taker has taken 4 people hostage, and then puts 200 civilian people, including 50 babies and children, in front of them – according to Mirvis’s view, it is OK for the hostage rescuers to murder 200 of these civilians in order to save the four hostages

That is not how any civilised society accepts rescuing hostages.

Mirvis is not alone in thinking this way about the murder of civilians and babies.

Plenty of his fellow Rabbis think in the same way – based on their interpretations of Judaism:

Imagine if Christian priests or Muslim imams held these views. They would be lambasted and punished. Why do we keep giving Jewish extremism coming from the highest tables, a free pass. This is down to what is referred to as the ‘Holocaust hangover’ – hangover’s are never good, we need to snap out of it and start treating Jewish extremism with the same standards!

Next Up In "Israel Advocacy" - Exposed, Europe, Palestine and Israel

Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


June 28, 2024

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