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Board of Deputies of British Jews indirectly calls for the continued starvation of Palestinians


Board of Deputies of British Jews indirectly calls for the continued starvation of Palestinians

PR man Phil Rosenberg (centre) is the new President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. He took office on 1 June 2024. (Photo credit: AP)

The British organisation that comprehensively represents British Jews, indirectly calls for continued suspension of UK funding to UNRWA.

This is a disgraceful postion to take by the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

British Jews need better representation.

If they are not speaking out against this, then they are complicit.

This tweet was made by the organisation:

After various investigations, both independent and internal, no evidence found that supported the spurious Israeli claims about UNRWA.

Israel invented lies about UNRWA in order to starve Palestinians. Which is a war crime as per the Geneva Convention.

Because they know UNRWA is the only organisation that can deliver aid into Gaza at the scale thatā€™s required.

This fact, was confirmed last week by the UK government in the House of Commons.

Knowing this, the Board of Deputies of British Jews still continues to indirectly call for withholding funding.

This means, they support Israelā€™s de-facto policy of wanting to starve Palestinians to death.

This should be an abomination to Jews and Judaism.

This organisation has become the Board of Deputies of the Israeli Government.

Furthermore, they go on to proclaim their support the Israeli governmentā€™s position of abolishing UNRWA – they claim it is an ā€˜anomalyā€™.

What they fail to understand is that itā€™s an anomaly because the Palestinian refugee situation is an anomaly.

Because the Palestinian refugees are a direct consequence of Israelā€™s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

There is no other groups of refugees in the world today that are a consequence of an illegal occupation spanning 75 years.

Israel is indeed uniquely bad.

The fact that the Board of Deputies of British Jews fails to acknowledge this, means they take the Zionist position that there is no occupation and all of the land belongs to ā€˜Israelā€™ – regardless of what they may say about their belief in a ā€˜two-state solutionā€™.

Next Up In Europe, Palestine and Israel

Lailla Balā€™Mahdi

Lailla Balā€™Mahdi


October 13, 2024

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