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The radicalised Talmudics are furious


The radicalised Talmudics are furious

Mr Lammy, on his recent visit to China, has been true to his words thus far in acting within international law and respecting human rights obligations that the UK has. He will be expected to treat Israel and China equally in upholding British values. Not yielding to the Israel lobby and continuing to provide special treatment to Israel.

UK has suspended all arms exports to Israel.

Why are so many British Jews and Zionists reportedly furious?

Just because the Tories are completely under the mesmerisation of the Israel lobby, doesnā€™t mean everyone is.

The UK is a country that respects the rule of law when it isnā€™t being a poodle to the US.

It is nothing like Israel. We share very little values in reality.

We really are not close allies as the mainstream media likes to portray.

We shouldnā€™t even be allies of Israel at all.

It is an illegal occupier state that practices apartheid policies.

It has no regard for human life, Palestinians are its current interest. It will not be long before other Middle Easterners are on its radar, as it seeks to fulfill Greater Israel.

All these things are in direct contradiction to values most, the great majority of British people hold dear.

This arms suspension is pending a review, which is ongoing – I would be amazed if this report did not conclude that if the UK starts to supply weapons again to Israel, then it will be complicit in war crimes and potentially genocide.

Which means, all those involved in this process of supplying arms and assistance to Israel – from the people who make the decisions, to the civil servants who work on it – will be complicit – risk prosecution and jail time.

The mere fact that the last government – the Conservative government – were willing to risk hard working British public service workers being prosecuted and go to jail, shows how deeply they are under the control of the lobby.

Next Up In Europe, Palestine and Israel, USA

Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 17, 2024

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