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Anti-Palestinian extremist, and Islamophobic racist David Lange of Israellycool – EXPOSED


Anti-Palestinian extremist, and Islamophobic racist David Lange of Israellycool – EXPOSED

“Israel advocacy” is in crisis; a hotbed of extremism. Where fakery, Islamophobia and malicious deceit are endemic.

The struggling blog site Israellycool, run by David’s Lange, an Australian now living in Israel (having moved their a few years ago driven by theocratic fundamentalism) ran a blog recently asserting that my partner Maree and I are the “same person”.

He says: “besides both being Jew-haters, you see, they are one and the same person!” – apart from the libellous accusation of “anti-Semitism”, a movie many have seen play out before. We clearly are two different people. We snapped a photo specially made for him:

We thought you would do the photo special for him at the brilliant ‘Behind’ restaurant in London – as a hint to how far behind, theocratic extremist individuals like him, are in the human evolutionary cycle.

Maree and I co-founded The Curated Edit, and run our individual Twitter accounts… Mine and Maree’s.

It is commonplace in “Israel advocacy” to deny things they don’t like that doesn’t fit their warped narratives – many try to deny we exist, just like many try to deny Palestine or Palestinians exist.

I will go on to comprehensively debunk all the fabricated lies he has claimed in his article – normally I would not bother, and if I or Maree were concerned about his amateur article then according to GDPR rules we can make the articles disappear from Google search results under the law of “the right to be forgotten”. Which can relatively easily be done by anyone or they can just pay a lawyer a few hundred quid to a solicitor who can do it for them.

But it made me think, how many others has David Lange at Israellycool done this to who are not aware of libellous articles about them, and who are not in territories covered by GDPR. This is for them.

It is also worth noting – after having gone through his last 50 articles in which he largely, falsely labels pro-Palestine advocates as “anti-Semitic” just because they’re anti-Israel and anti-Zionist – the vast majority of them are Muslims (we contacted them to verify this).

That is very strange when we look at the official stats in the UK, USA or Europe (Israellycool’s target market), it clearly shows that the vast majority of hate crimes against Jews is perpetrated by non-Muslims. Which indicates a strong whiff of Islamophobia on Israellycool and Mr Lange’s part.

In our research on Mr Lange and Israellycool, we heard from a local source in the illegally occupied Palestinian territory of Beit Shemesh, where Israellycool is located, and where Mr Lange lives with his 6 children. That his wife may have been killed by a Palestinian Muslim in the illegally occupied West Bank. It was said, that has made him unnaturally (possibly understandably) incensed towards Muslims i.e. has made him Islamophobic.

David and Erika Lange – they made a lovely couple. May she rest in peace.

Back to the article that he wrote trying to smear us with lies. So, his lie number 1) “they are the same person” – which his entire article is predicated on, has already been debunked, it has clearly been established that we aren’t the same person.

  • Lie number 2) “Israellycool reader and real-life lawyer Shoshana started connecting the dots after I informed her that “Maree” had tweeted about blocking her. Shoshana had not yet blocked “Maree”, so she knew the person behind this account had other accounts. And she had blocked Kamran” – in his article he doesn’t produce that tweet that Maree had apparently made, and he can’t show it because it doesn’t exist. The “real life lawyer”, Shoshana blocked Maree and it was after that Maree tweeted about it, as can be seen here:

God help any defendants hiring Shoshana the “real life lawyer”, the prosecution won’t need to say anything. They just need to leave her “connecting the dots” and she will do the prosecutions job for them.

We were keen to verify the existence of Shoshana. She shared a photo of her with us – but we have doubts that she may have sent us a photo of Chelsea Manning instead, you decide. First photo is who Shoshana claims she is, the second photo is of Chelsea Manning:

  • Lie number 3) “The cover photos and bios are almost identical” – this one perfectly highlights why it is a well known fact now, that a lack of education and knowledge is one of the key factors for driving individuals towards extremism. Our photos and bios are very similar because anyone with knowledge of marketing 101 knows that standardisation across the brand is important for brand recognition and marketing. It is why many news platforms who show the photos of their reporters on the articles, ensure that the photos are consistent and the background is the same. But our friend Lange’y wasn’t accepting this, he referred to this as his “smoking gun” (cough, cough, O… K).

  • Lie number 4) “Alas, Kamran got real sloppy, tweeting out almost identical things from both accounts” – they are almost identical because Shoshana’s actions against us were identical i.e. she had blocked us both. She blocked me first on the 16th of April and she blocked Maree on the 17th of April, as can be seen in the photos below. By then, between us we had already begun calling Shoshana “the real life lawyer”, “shooshoo”. We were both seeing the hilarious messages she was obsessively putting out and felt that nickname fitted her abrasive tweets, perfectly.

This is her blocking me:

And this is her blocking Maree:

  • Lie number 4) “And if that wasn’t enough proof, Shoshana ascertained that Kamran and “Maree” have the same hands” – no, I have the same hands; first photo is of me taking the picture and posting it on my Instagram account. The second photo is from a weekend away, in a cottage in St Albans when Maree took the photo of me cooking the fish, and posted it on her LinkedIn account. The angle of the photo and where my hand is, clearly suggests that she was taking the photo rather than me taking a photo of myself, as Lange’y and Shooshoo have falsely asserted.

Mr Lange threateningly finishes the article off by saying: “Kamran, your days pretending to be a woman are up, not to mention your days pretending to be just an “anti-Zionist.” And I suspect your days in recruiting might also be numbered.” – talk about one having malicious intent. The intended malice is real.

But Inspector Gadget doesn’t end it there, oh no – he thinks he has done a great piece of “investigative journalism”. Not realising the fact that unlike all the other maliciously false articles on pro-Palestine advocates he has written, I will actually call him out on his attempted smear. He no doubt feeling giddy about his maliciously false article, he trolls me on Instagram. Where I inform him for the first time that Maree is my partner:

This was in the morning of the 20th April. Realising he is in a whole heap of mess – he runs off and later in the afternoon doubles-down on his fabrications and makes a slew of addendums to his original article. Worth noting, he hasn’t made any addendums in any of his other slanderous articles. He obviously felt he had to add more lies on top of the lies already there, to desperately try and save his blushes. Unfortunately for him, lies on top of lies means more lies get found out.

Inspector Gadget’s addendums are outlined below:

  • Lie number 5) “20/4/23 14:30: Believe it or not, he claims Maree is real and is his partner: I wonder if that woman knows he has co-opted her photo for one of his fake accounts.” – like with all radicalised extremists whether they’re extremist Judaists like him or extremist Islamists, they persist with their dogma despite being presented with compelling evidence to the contrary. It’s a common characteristic that transcends across the whole sphere of religious extremism.

  • Lie number 6) 20/4/23 20:40: Another similarity between Kamran and “Maree” on LinkedIn, he posts with the exact same disclaimer as her account would. – yes, we do, we both use the same disclaimer. We both work in the services industry with clients. We didn’t want even the slightest of doubt that anyone could imply that our personal views could be a representation of anyone we work with. The disclaimer we use was developed in conjunction with lawyers and we were assured it covers all bases. Other pro-Palestine advocates have asked if they could use the disclaimer, several use an iteration of it. If anyone is interested here it is: * Views are my own, they do not represent the views of any of my past or present employers or clients, and a “like” is not necessarily an endorsement.

At this stage our friend Lange’y is really flapping around like a headless chicken, looking for crumbs, so he again cites Shooshoo AKA Shoshana “the real life lawyer” as he so childishly puts it. This time Shooshoo and Lange have seemingly discovered another one of their “smoking guns”.

They are probably asking themselves how many “smoking guns” they need. Not happy with the fabricated ones they already have, they go for a final “smoking gun” – this time it is a falsified Tweet.

  • Lie number 8 – “claiming I replied to a Tweet intended for Maree” – the tweet was actually sent to me too. which came up on my feed as can be seen from the second un-redacted image. They cite this fabricated image:

The reality is that this tweet by Jay Engelmayer was directed at me too as can be seen from the un-redacted tweet chains:

The question we had after all this is, why does David Lange do this. What is his motive. Based on our research we have come to the conclusion that there are two motives at play here:

Motive number1)

Is his radicalisation and lurch towards extremism from an early age. David Lange is originally Australian, his homeland is Australia. What drives someone from a liberal democracy into an illegal occupation and apartheid? What drives a British Muslim in Britain to go and fight in the Middle East? The radicalised Muslim calls it “Jihad”, David Lang and his ilk call it “Aliyah”. Both leave their homeland for a “bigger religious cause” – the principle is exactly the same.

He acknowledged in interviews that he was radicalised from an early age, where he mentions he was raised in a “very Zionist household”. One such example is in an interview he did in 2021, with the Fascist organisation Im Tirtzu.

David Lange lives on illegally occupied land with his 6 children. Im Tirtzu are an extremist far right-wing group, recently designated as Fascists by an Israeli court, who are vociferous supporters of Palestinian land occupation and expansion, in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories.

Court rules Im Tirtzu Fascist:

The second motive is one of struggle.

Motive number2)

We discovered that David Lange and Israellycool have been struggling to raise funds for a long time now, for their slanderous venture. Which is understandable because who likes backing a dead horse and a libellous venture, apart from extremists – whom make up the vast majority of Israellycool’s following. We noticed that that the libellous articles he makes attracts the most engagement from his network – which is why we presume he keeps pumping them out. With him being in Israel, he is aware he can’t be sued for libel from us in the UK, and must feel he has nothing to lose and all to gain.

As with many anti-Palestinian extremists like Mr Lange, the racism inherent in them rears its ugly head from time-to-time, in spite of the carefully crafted facade of “Israel advocacy”. Here, he can’t resist but display it – labelling me as “Pakistani” just because I am brown and have a Muslim sounding name:

Mr Lange, Israellycool and “Israel advocacy” in general are in such desperate disarray that they even label the likes of Emma Watson, Richard Gere, Mark Ruffalo, Tilda Swinton, etc, etc. as “anti-Semitic” just because they criticise and oppose the heinous crimes of Israel:

Lange’y, has gone on to make further egregious articles on myself and Maree in the same vein, which I won’t bore people with – but we think the picture is clear now.

Next Up In "Israel Advocacy" - Exposed

Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 17, 2024

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