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Simon Myerson KC – of St Pauls Chambers and Byrom Street Chambers, caught spreading egregious lies on Twitter, as well as trolling pro-Palestine activists, and reportedly one of the men behind the troll site “Gnasher Jew” – EXPOSED


Simon Myerson KC – of St Pauls Chambers and Byrom Street Chambers, caught spreading egregious lies on Twitter, as well as trolling pro-Palestine activists, and reportedly one of the men behind the troll site “Gnasher Jew” – EXPOSED

Simon Myerson KC is a man of many shades.

It is rather common for those who have fundamentalist, radicalised or extremist views to lie. It is still nevertheless disturbing when barristers within these segments are found to be doing it.

Mr Myerson is not just any ordinary Barrister, he is a Kings Counsel (KC). He is also a vehement (to put nicely) pro “Israel advocate”.

KCs are regarded as senior trial lawyers who hold a higher status due to their expertise in a particular field of law.

Mr Myerson has been found to be spreading egregious lies about myself on Twitter.

In the screenshot of the tweet below, he is retweeting a lie that claims that my partner, Maree Campbell’s profile is “fake”. Mr Myerson goes a step further and lies (libelling me) by saying that I, “Mr Hussain” is “using the photograph and name of a real person who lives in Australia”.

Not only does he lie and libel me – but he goes on to take action on this lie of his, and as can be seen, he went on to pass this false information on to his legal contacts in the Australia.

This kind of behaviour is particularly disgusting – because at no point did he contact me to clarify any of this. Mr Myerson has essentially acted as the ‘judge, jury and executioner’. Not the kind of behaviour one would expect from a KC barrister. Nor would one expect any barrister to act on the figments of their imaginations.

I am not “using” anyone’s photograph, Simon:

Some readers may recall we recently ran an an article on the Islamophobic anti-Palestinian extremist David Lange, debunking similar lies.

Now, back to Mr Myerson, who lives in Leeds, UK, is reportedly is a prominent volunteer for UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI), and the internet troll group known as Gnasher Jew.

UKLFI is famous for bringing relatively innocuous claims to court, and using our already overburdened legal system to do it. It also unduly pressurises organisations from showing support for Palestine, such as asking to remove Palestinian artwork from a hospital or to take down Palestinian flags at a football match. Seriously?! Some would describe this as bullying and harassment tactics. UKLFI has luminaries such ex Conservative party leader Michael Howard and ex High Court judge Sir Bernard Eder as patrons.

Gnasher Jew, the troll group active on Twitter, which Mr Myerson is reportedly a member of, is an anonymous group – it is anonymous to avoid personal scrutiny or accountability for their actions. A quick scan through their recent tweet is revealing, though not entirely unexpected:

Falsely smearing someone as an “anti-Semite”, a racist, simply because they have a view that the Bible is not a reliable source.

Gaslighting an Amnesty report of the deprivation imposed in the illegally occupied West Bank by Israel over Palestinians, who are forced to live under martial law. Posting an isolated photo of a “water park” somewhere, which supposedly is proof that Palestinians living under illegal military occupation aren’t deprived.

It’s not just us who take exception to their trolling.

Mr Myerson’s tweets follow a similar pattern:

Telling people to “shut up” about potential abuse.

Gaslighting here by totally ignoring what Terrell has literally said.

We agree with Terrell here in that those who conflate this, it says more about them than the ones who acknowledge this patent differentiation. Seemingly only the radicalised extremists don’t.

Here, and most disgustingly, Mr Myerson retweets a tweet that cites the extremist Israeli Knesset member Amihai Eliyahu.

Who is essentially questioning the sentencing and imprisonment of a Jewish terrorist who burned alive and killed a Palestinian family; Riham and Saad Dawabsha along their 18 month old son, in 2015. The terrorist made an appeal in 2022, which was rejected – the judges said “there is no doubt” that the terrorist Amiram Ben Uliel carried out a “shocking and disturbing crime”.

It is worth reminding ourselves that Mr Myerson is a KC barrister here in the UK, and he is seemingly in agreement with this tweet.

Amihai Eliyahu regularly showcases his extremist and outright barbaric nature – relatively recently on an Israeli TV show, he condoned killing Palestinian children:

Seemingly, these are the types of people Mr Myerson is a fan of.

Mr Myerson also has a penchant for dabbling in what many would describe as anti-Semitism, against Jews that are not his “type”:

Dismissing a fellow Jew as a “court Jew”.

Which was duly reprimanded by Twitter for violating its rules.

He callously dismisses the views of fellow Jews that have the “audacity” to speak out against the Israeli regime.

Going back to Gnasher Jew – its raison d’être, the reason for its existence, in its own words, is to; “Utilizing open-source intelligence and advanced technology, we operate under the radar to uncover antisemites and hold them accountable for their actions”. In its site it lists 10 cases it has targeted – out of the 10 cases 5 are presumably Muslim individuals (judging by their names) it has targeted. This is interesting, because the overwhelming majority of hate crimes against Jewish people in the UK are perpetrated by non-Muslims, yet Gnasher Jew seems to disproportionately target Muslims, could they be Islamophobic?

After all, they label people “anti-Semites” for far less and trivial things. Or maybe they hold a belief that it is one rule for them and a different rule for all others (“Goyim’s” as some like to call all the rest of us).

“Goyim”, by the way, is a derogatory slur, even according to many Jews, including Mr Myerson. But it doesn’t stop him from calling others that. Even after admitting that it is a derogatory slur!

Mr Myerson’s social media accounts:

LinkedIn – Simon Myerson

Twitter – Simon Myerson

Next Up In "Israel Advocacy" - Exposed

Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


June 11, 2024

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