Anti-Palestinian extremist, and Islamophobic racist David Lange of Israellycool, lies & photoshopping “wizardry” – EXPOSED, *Part 2


Anti-Palestinian extremist, and Islamophobic racist David Lange of Israellycool, lies & photoshopping “wizardry” – EXPOSED, *Part 2

David Lange recently got married, congratulations to him and his wife.

Mr Lange’s (or as we colloquially call him Lange’y) obsession of hate against me, continues. in the past 5 months he has done 6 articles on me and a further 2 that mentions me.

The context here is that he has no other job – this is his full-time “gig” – in order to get paid and receive donations he must continue to churn out these types of articles. The more controversial, deceitful, hate filled and riddled with lies, the more his echo chamber get excited and donate to him. So, accuracy and journalistic integrity are not a priority when he has to put food on the table for his several children, and now a wife too.

Nevertheless, in this article we will focus on Langey’s 2nd and 3rd hateful and Islamophobic articles on me.

In relation to the 2nd article.

Langey’s lie number 1: Maree and I are the same account – already debunked comprehensively. The only new thing he has come up with to manufacture his lie into a reality here is that I said “putty in my hands” and Maree tweeted “putty in our hands”. Hey-ho.

Langey’s Lie number 2: That I am a “Jew-hater” – OK that is a fair thing to label someone, if true, is it true? well, lets see the evidence. Below is what he says makes me a “Jew-hater”; me quoting a direct quote from the Talmud.

Its a patently false accusation – so why does he label me that? He labels me that becasue I am Muslim and support Palestine – the thought process he and his extremist ilk have is that all Muslims who support Palestine must be “Jew-haters” – and that is Islamophobia 101. That is the only logical explanation.

Those who are genuinely concerned with protecting Jews from Jew hate (antisemitism), focus on the genuine cases of Jew hate – Lange and his ilk are really not interested in that – they are interested in the politics and protecting Israel from criticism – they just hide behind the security blanket of “fighting antisemitism” in order to carry our their deceitful, vitriolic, nefarious agenda.

Now, this is where it gets really interesting and his desperation becomes clear. He will lie at any cost and try to double-down on them no matter what, and we prove this desperation here. His photoshopping trickery.

Lie number 3: That I have photo-shopped an image. He says I posted that photo:

As is clearly evident, I did not post that – it was Maree who did. Not only did I not post it, but Maree posted a version of this photo – not this edited version that Lange is using – notice how dark this image is – it is because he has edited the original photo to make this one darker – so he can do the following:

I don’t think anyone would look at that photo and think the head has been edited on. Anyway, when you edit a photo, which he has done to the original version, and then run it through the fake image detector site, it comes up as “fake”:

I just tried it and we get the same result, as can be seen below. Once the photo is darkened, it comes up as “fake”, it is able to detect the alteration:

Bear with it…. because below is the original version and the photo that was actually tweeted by Maree, no error detected, it is obviously authentic:

Notice the difference in the tone of the photos. No error, no “pasted faces”, or any “trickery” as Lange’y boy has asserted in his deceitful article. It is simply projection from him – all the trickery is coming from him and his unscrupulous blog site Israellycool. As per usual with their extremist ilk, they accuse others of what they perpetrate.

Don’t just look at the images but think about this logically – an un-photoshopped image can be photoshopped and altered – then the error levels will show up on any fake image detector, as Lange’y has done. But it is literally impossible to take a photoshopped image and make that same image un-photoshopped – and have that image to still look exactly the same. Not possible.

This clearly is not his first rodeo, oh no, and the plot thickens.

Lying is inherent in him – in the 3rd article he has done on me, we discover that he is willing to lie even at the expense of his deceased wife! Let that sink in for a minute… I prove this below:

So, he accuses me of “lying about his deceased wife”:

He says that he told me about his wife:

The above is taking place on Twitter – take note of the dates and times – it is taking place on the 20th of April and 21st of April – his last tweet to me being at 05:26 saying I have gone silent – I went silent becasue I had not seen the last two tweets.

And he knows that because we exchange some messages on Instagram where acknowledges I “went quiet”. I ask him about his deceased wife and how she died:

Note that this exchange is taking place on the afternoon of the 21st of April.

So, he knows that I was not aware of his deceased wife’s circumstance, but that did not stop him from weaponising her death, using it to lie, and trying to use that against me. All this for what? Just to try and make me look bad, smear me, discredit me, silence my voice – and that is utterly, unequivocally, abominable behaviour by Lange’y.

Mr Lange’s lying just continues and continues…. in his latest article on me, he claims that my LinkedIn account has been “suspended”:

But in actual fact, my LinkedIn account has not been suspended at all, it is still very much active and no reason why it would be suspended – it baffles me how he can tell such brazen lies and think he can get away with it. Might it be a condition that compulsive liars suffer from, I wonder.

It is all a pack of lies – I have been able to unpick his lies because I looked into it in detail – because once the lies have been spun, it does take quite a bit of time and effort to unpick. Many he does articles on do not look into it – but I bet if they scratched beneath the surface they too would find articles riddled with lies, fabrications and photoshopped images. Because it would be improbable that he would make honest articles about all the others and just decide to lie about me.

We also have to keep in mind that Mr Lange does this “Israel advocacy” as his full-time and only job. It is the thing that provides for him and his family, it puts food on the table. Which means the pressure to keep churning our articles is immense. If he doesn’t churn out articles then his donators will stop donating. We at The Curated Edit, have no such pressures. We have our own jobs and we do this pro-bono as a side project. And so therefore, unlike Mr Lange, we are able to maintain our integrity, dignity and morality.

On his Is’really-despicably-lying blog site he says he is “fighting hatred towards Jews and the Jewish state”.

Ladies and gentleman – as we have meticulously proven, he is not doing that at all. What he is doing is hunting Muslims (predominantly and disproportionately) and Christians who oppose the apartheid state and its heinous policies, and then lying about them to discredit them.

By fabricating words, data and photos, in order to try and smear those individuals as “anti-Semitic”. His true intentions are not to protect Jews from Jew hate – but his true intentions are to protect the state of Israel and extremist Jews and Zionists from any criticism (no matter what they do).

Entities and individuals like this are attacking the democratic fabric of our societies – and that never ends with the initial target. Given impunity, they will soon come after you too.

We are the first line of defence.

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