The incessant Ms Lazarus.
Applying double standards, or holding a person of one race / religion to a different standard is racism.
Ms Lazarus shows her true colours, once again.
She accuses us of being “obsessed” with the hate page “Israellycool”, who we have exposed – because we have presumably, according to her, had the audacity to call out and expose their extremism, and libellous articles. We have also called out and exposed the extremism of others – she thinks by doing that, it means we would like to “hurt” them.
Now, how hideous is it then that she is perfectly fine with David Lange at Israellycool, doing something similar to what we do. The difference being, our articles are fact-based, whereas Lange’s are fabricated and photoshopped lies.
Ms Lazarus doesn’t think smearing a bona-fide historian, is Lange trying to “hurt” him. Nor does she think it’s an “obsession”.
Ms Lazarus doesn’t think David Lange wants to “hurt” us, or has an “obsession” with us, even though they have done 7 articles about us, and articles that mentions us. Not to mention the dozens of other articles they have done on others.
In fact, Ms Lazarus calls it “research”.
Applying such egregious double standards, is indeed racism.