The Nakba of 1948 – hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed and ran for their lives, chased by Israeli militias and terrorist groups like Irgun and Stern Gang. (Photo credit: AIJC)
Palestinian refugee return would be in accordance with international law.
It would be in accordance with fairness and justice.
Israel refuses. Why?
Because if Palestinian refugees are able to return then Israel will lose the Jewish majority state, which it so desperately seeks to protect at all costs.
But thatā€™s not the problem of the refugees or the Palestinians.
Israel was invented so Jews from all over the world can move there. According to estimates, there are around 15.2 million Jews globally. 6.9 million of them live in Israel. Meaning 8.3 live dispersed around the world.
There are about 5.3 million Palestinians in Palestine today. And around 5.9 million Palestinians are eligible for UNRWA services.
Since Israel was created in 1948 into historic Palestine, if it was successful in its purpose, which is to attract global Jewry to Israel, then their population problem wouldnā€™t be present.
If it was able to successfully attract more Jews to Israel then the return of Palestinian refugees wouldnā€™t be an issue – because even of all returned, Israel would still be able maintain a Jewish majority.
The return of Palestinian refugees is only a problem because of Israelā€™s failure on that regard.
And the vast majority of global Jewry preferring to live well away from Israel (hardly surprising).
The Palestinian refugees should not pay the price for this.
They should not give up their rights because of Israelā€™s failure.
If returning of Palestinian refugees risks Israelā€™s Jewish supremacy, then thatā€™s their problem, not the problem of the Palestinians to rightfully take what is theirs – their inalienable right to return to their motherland.