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Judaist terrorism is out of control in the West Bank, Palestine


Judaist terrorism is out of control in the West Bank, Palestine

Judaist terrorists have been violently attacking and stealing the homes of indigenous Palestinians in the West Bank for more than 50 years. (Photo credit: yahoo)

The latest victims to be forcibly removed from their homes is a Palestinian Christian family – the Kisiya family.

They have lived their for generations – but radicalised Jewish settlers think this is their land – why and how?

They do it and with the approval of the Israeli government because “Religious Jewish Zionism” is highly influential in the affairs of the Israeli state.

The settlers are doing this and are allowed to do this because they think “god gave us the land” – from the river to the sea they believe it is all Jewish land. A land where only Jews should reside.

And if any non-Jews should remain there then they should remain so as second class citizens.

“God gave us the land” is one of the most fundamentalist beliefs we have on the planet today – it fuels the settler violence in the West Bank, Palestine. So much that the Shin Bet Chief, Ronen Bar, for the first time labelled it “Jewish terrorism” – he labels it as that because it is obvious, as has been for decades to neutral observers, that this violence has a specific flavour. It ha uniquely Jewish religious motivators and sources.

“God gave us the land” is a a classic rabbinical teaching and belief – it enables and empowers illegal settlers – from all around the world to rape, pillage, murder, steal… basically do whatever they like.

To solve this problem we need to stop allowing Jews to be radicalised in these extremist interpretations of Judaism. Many religious Jews believe “god gave us the land” – but they stop from acting out terrorism because as with Islam, there are many other factors one must consider alongside whatever the literal text may say – that is what differentiates between radicalised Jews and Muslims to non-violent Muslims and Jews.

We have seen clampdowns in recent years of Muslim hate preachers – we need something similar for Jewish preachers who preach this hateful interpretation of Judaism – the one that motivates hundreds of British Jews to make “Aliyah” to go and to live in the West Bank through military force. All the Israeli settlements are illegal under international law – there is global unanimous agreement on that. The only way these settlements are able to sustain is through a brutal suppression of the indigenous Palestinians by the Israeli military. Where the Palestinians are forced to live as second class citizens on their own land – whilst the Jewish terrorists live under Israeli civilian law.

It is estimated that around 800 British citizens leave to make “Aliyah” to Israel every year. It does not make sense for the UK government on one had to accept the Israelis have no legal right to be in the West Bank, and then not to apply any consequences for any British citizens who are breaking the law.

Next Up In Middle East, Palestine and Israel

Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 11, 2024

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