Families of hostages storm the Knesset in protest against the government. Why does Netanyahu and his government keep refusing the deal which is a no-brainer to the families of the hostages.
Israel had a choice put in front of them, accept a permanent ceasefire, and have all the hostages released.
Israel refused.
On behalf of whom do they refuse?
Because the Israeli families would take that deal, and would be delighted to have their loved ones back for Friday Shabbat.
The Israeli government doesn’t really care about the hostages – the “release them now” mob don’t really care about the hostages either.
Have any of those marching pathetically for a genocidal regime on the streets of London and Manchester, ever come out and said a peep against the Israeli government for not doing what it is capable of doing to get the hostages released?
I haven’t heard anything, why?
It is clear, they are not marching for the hostages to be released, they are marching for genocide.
They are seething with vengeance for 7/10, even though their beloved adopted nation of Israel has committed 20, 7/10s on the Palestinians already.
The Israel advocates and supporters are fully behind the genocidal Israeli government, and the barbaric acts committed by the Israeli soldiers.
I have seen no condemnation.
Israel has of course tried to fudge their unwavering desire for vengeance, by offering a phoney counter-offer to the Palestinians of two months suspension to the fighting, to have all the hostages released.
As expected, this was rejected – and now back to square one.
A golden opportunity to begin on the road to peace, wasted, neglected recklessly, once again, by Israel.
We stand with the Palestinians who are all aligned with the families of the hostages, and continue to call for an immediate ceasefire so all the hostages can return home safely.