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The simple answer to a difficult question can often be the best solution


The simple answer to a difficult question can often be the best solution

The Gaza border with Israel. (Photo credit: AP)

While the reprobates continue to beat the drums of war.

Zionists have often asked me, what would you have done after 7/10 to prevent it from happening again?

My answer is: I’d have sacked Netanyahu and Gallant, and made sure Israel never again failed to protect its borders.

That is it.

That would have protected Jewish lives moving forward – what they have gone for instead is vengeance.

And that is not going to protect Jewish lives moving forward because it no doubt has exponentially swelled support for Hamas, and those who are now going to join it moving forward. There is no such thing as “eradicating Hamas”. When I say many more will join “Hamas”, I mean many more Palestinians will take up arms to fight for their freedom and rights. This has happened all throughout history – as the British Raj got more and more brutal in India, it directly resulted in an increase in armed rebellion across all sections of society, to overthrow the colonial power.

Any state has one important job over all others, and that is to protect its people. Israel failed to do that because it failed to protect its border.

One would understand if Israel’s neighbour was a sophisticated military power, but Gaza, Palestine is anything but that.

While the Israeli’s are a sophisticated and advanced military power. The fact that the Palestinians were still able to break through, means the fault primarily lies with the Israeli failures than the Palestinian actions – if Israel fulfilled their most basic responsibilities as a state, then they could have avoided 7/10, and they could have avoided in future simply by fulfilling that basic responsibility.

The folly of going into Gaza in a genocidal, blood-thirsty rampage, will do the complete opposite to what they desire.

Israeli political mismanagement has been at the core of this failing experiment. It is time to go back to the drawing board.

It has been a long an unfruitful 75 years, especially when one takes into account that as a state, in those 75 years, Israel has never been able to make itself self-sufficient and cannot survive without the political and economic support of the USA. Israel to the USA is what North Korea is to China.

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Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


May 4, 2024

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