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“Israel can be a democracy or a Jewish state – it can’t be both”


“Israel can be a democracy or a Jewish state – it can’t be both”

(Photo credit: OECD)

This is what Simon Kuper argued in an article in the FT (03/08).

He compared the situation in Israel with the USA.

Some would argue that the state of Israel wasn’t founded by a “persecuted minority fleeing Europe”.

There may be an argument that says the state of Israel was founded at the UN.

Which technically is true – but, the Palestinians and Arabs never agreed to this slicing of the land.

Creating Israel was never about creating a democratic state, it was always about creating a ethno-state and then surrounding that with veneers of democracy.

Israel is no more a democracy than Hungary is.

The US was created when white people massacred and drove the indigenous people away from their homes (ethnic cleansing).

Israel was created when Jews (even non-religious Jews identify as ethnically Jewish) massacred and drove the indigenous people away from their homes (ethnic cleansing).

The fact that the persecuted Jews fleeing Europe migrated in massive numbers to Palestine, without the agreement of the Palestinians or Arabs, de-facto means they waged war on indigenous Palestinians.

Next Up In Palestine and Israel, USA

Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


May 4, 2024

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