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There is no justification for a Jewish majority state inside historic Palestine


There is no justification for a Jewish majority state inside historic Palestine

The Peel Report was the first census carried out in Palestine in 1922.

“We have a right to self-determination in Palestine, because it is our ancestral homeland”.

Is one of the key ideas that is used to justify Israel as a Jewish majority state inside historic Palestine.

All Zionists use that as a primary reason.

Whose ancestral homeland is it really?

The British carried out the first census in Palestine in 1922.

It included military personnel. Which would only affect the Christian number.

The ethnic / religious breakdown is below:

  • 590,890 Muslims
  • 83,794 Jews
  • 73,024 Christians
  • 7,028 Druze
  • 408 Sikhs
  • 265 Baha’is
  • 156 Metawalis
  • 163 Samaritans

Various sources verify that the Jewish people never made up more than 10-20% of the overall population in Palestine.

The only time it was a Jewish majority was during the days of the 12 tribes.

Thousands of years ago, which was achieved by the Israelites massacring the Canaanites (modern day Palestinians as DNA studies have proven).

The 12 tribes then themselves got dislodged and invaded relatively quickly around 2,700 years ago, and then various invasions took place since.

Culminating in the latest one when Zionism / Jewish people came into Palestine after Israel was imposed on Palestine in 1947.

If the Jewish people can claim a Jewish state in all of Palestine due to ancestral
connections of thousands of years ago, then so can all the other groups of people.

Other groups have a far more robust case for that.

In all the many years I have been looking at this, I have not been given a single rational, factual argument by the opposing side, on why it should be a Jewish majority state and not equally include all the others.

The catalyst for this was the Holocaust, and I do have sympathy for of a Jewish state, somewhere, in some land in the world.

Why should that price be paid by Palestinians when the crimes were committed in Europe, by Europeans?

Why should Israeli right to self-determination exist at the expense of the Palestinians who were already living there for thousands of years.

By that logic, the American Indians can come back and dislodge current Americans living in America.

The Holocaust, without any doubt, has been the catalyst and the reason why some people agreed to a Jewish state of Israel.

Prior to the Holocaust, the Zionist movement had been making a case to the world for a Jewish state
for hundreds of years.

No one agreed or saw a justification for it.

There really isn’t a justification for a supremacist, Jewish majority state in a land that is seen as the “Holy Land” by Christians and Muslims too.

It should be one country with equal rights for everyone.

There already was a country like that on all of that land, it’s called Palestine.

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Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 11, 2024

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