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“Israel Lobby’s” anti-Palestinian hatred, racism and Islamophobia attacking Rep Ilhan Omar – EXPOSED


“Israel Lobby’s” anti-Palestinian hatred, racism and Islamophobia attacking Rep Ilhan Omar – EXPOSED

Ilhan Omar’s team recently tweeted for a round of on-line funding. The vitriol it faced from Zionists and Israelis alike is nothing like we have seen before.

The sheer volume and ferocity of the hate against her for her pro-Palestine position, her Muslim religion and her Somalian background is distressing.

This Zionist American, calling herself the “Subjugated Reader” who claims to be a “lifelong learner” on her profile, say Ms Omar should go back to Somalia:

What makes this more worrying is that on her profile, she pins a tweet at the top saying how hate speech on social media platforms is harmful. So, she knows what she is saying is causing harm – she is knowingly and intentionally trying to cause harm to Ms Omar.

Making genocidal comments against the Palestinians (which in fact is rampant within “Israel Advocacy” by the way), is perfectly fine with her too.

According to her, the Palestinians do not exist, they’re just “Arabs”.

Imagine saying the Polish do not exist, they’re just Europeans. Or the Spanish don’t exist, they’re just Europeans.

The sad fact is, Hitler wanted to eradicate the Jewish people and now extremist Jews are popping up under the facade of “Israel Advocacy” and attempting to eradicate Palestinians.

The Holocaust dead must be turning in their graves at what some of their descendants have become.

This fellow, who says he’s “hard working” on his profile, follows in similar vein:

“Working” hard at racism we would suggest.

“Michal Sabra” below, who on her profile proudly says she is a “9th generation Jew”, “born in Jerusalem” and hashtags “stand up to Jewish hate”:

But none of that stops her from attacking Ms Omar with wait for it…. an “antisemitic” slur:

Our research shows that Jewish people quite regularly use antisemitic slurs and tropes on others, such as calling them Nazis or photoshopping images by putting Nazi clothing on pro-Palestine advocates.

Heavy doses of Islamophobia is never far away from these circles. John McCarthey here says Ms Omar’s community is “infested” with Muslims.

There are many more examples like the tweets above that are present on the tweet.

Anyone who supports Palestine and highlights the crimes of Israel is a target fort the “Israel Lobby” – with an army of people ready to attack and smear the individual in question.

They do this all the while hiding behind the facade of “Israel Advocacy”.

Next Up In "Israel Advocacy" - Exposed, USA

Kamran Hussain

Kamran Hussain


May 4, 2024

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