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Palestine ‘Israel’ history 101


Palestine ‘Israel’ history 101

Every peoples in the world can trace their ancestry back to one place or another in the world.

“It’s our ‘ancestral homeland’. So we have right to a Jewish majority state”.

Nooooooo. Nò

No other group is offered this luxury.

Many can trace their ancestry back to kingdoms in what is today known as India, does that mean they can go there and create a new country inside India?

‘Ancestral homeland’ is never, under any law or treaties or morals, a qualifier to establish a sovereign state inside another’s land.

‘Ancestral homeland’ is merely where any of one’s ancestors have lived in the past.

Jewish ancestral homelands are largely all over Europe.

Building their majority state would be better served in a part of the Western world; Texas, Bavaria, Southern France are all fantastic options.

Palestine has a rich and shared history – which makes it precious to Christians, Jews and Muslims alike – it will never be accepted as a supremacist Jewish state in any part of that land; from the river to the sea.


It might seem regurgitating the obvious.

But the Zionist propaganda machine works 24/7 to recycle lies and make it the ‘truth’.

And so we must continue to rebut the lies over, and over, and over, and over again.

Next Up In Europe, Palestine and Israel, USA

Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 17, 2024

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