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Sky News presenter Belle Donati sacked after questioning Israeli ambassadors call to ethnically cleanse Palestinians


Sky News presenter Belle Donati sacked after questioning Israeli ambassadors call to ethnically cleanse Palestinians

Danny Danon has never accepted Palestinian right to self-determination. (Photo credit: AP)

In June, Danny Danon was approved to be the new Israeli ambassador to the UN.

In January Danon was interviewed by Belle Donati on Sky News.

After he published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal where he proposed other nations help Israel ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza. A copy of the op-ed is below.

The op-ed was widely condemned as a call for ethnic cleansing by X users.

He called it “voluntary migration”, where Palestinians leave to never be able to come back.

He gleefully tweeted about Donati’s sacking, depriving a woman of her ability to earn a living (the interview from January is included below). Danon goes into a rage. Ranting at Donati on-air, accusing her of being antisemitic.

The only one trivialising the Holocaust is Danon.

In customary fashion of so many Zionists, Danon doesn’t miss the opportunity to lie about the interview that took place in January between he and Donati.

He says Donati compared “Gaza to the Holocaust. She did not.

She compared the ethnic cleansing aspect of the Holocaust to the ethnic cleansing that Danon was proposing.

After the interview in January, Danon wrote a letter to the Executive Chairman of Sky News Group demanding Ms Donati’s immediate resignation.

He lies in his letter too, falsely accusing Donati of making a comparison she did not make. Executive Chairman David Rhodes was born and raised in New York City. He is the son of an Episcopalian father from Texas and a Jewish mother from New York.

Fast forward seven months and Belle Donati no longer works for Sky News.

She was taken off air in January and her contract has not been renewed.

In his op-ed Danon cites Syria as an example where other nations of the world have taken in Syrians who were fleeing the war.

Syria is a civil war. Israel-Palestine is a situation where Israel wants to eradicate the Palestinians from their land and steal the land.

Those two sets of situations are incomparable.

Syrians fleeing a war where their land and right to return is sacrosanct, that is not the case with Palestine and Palestinians who Danon proposed to be ethnically cleansed.

The Palestinians that were driven out during the Nakba of 1948 are still waiting to return to their homes and farms.

Belle Donati was right, Danon’s proposal, if one call it that, is comparable to how Jews were asked and forced to leave Germany by Hitler.

Because the Nazis wanted to get rid of the Jews forever. Jews were under duress and physical attacks, with their lives at risk if they remained in Germany.

Very much like the situation of the Palestinians today.

One can sense the frivolous nature of Danon’s op-ed in his writing style and choice of words. I am rather surprised the respected Wall Street Journal would publish that trash.

Danon however has a right to air his opinions.

Like how Ms Donati has the right to question his opinions.

Weaponising the Holocaust is very distasteful. It is disrespectful for the millions of Jews who were murdered.

Mr Danon is of an Egyptian background.

Maybe weaponising the Holocaust comes easier for the likes of him, than those who have a more direct experience of it.

We are moving towards very dark days when journalists are sacked for doing their job.

It might not seem a dark day because only one group apparently can behave in this obnoxious way.

We must not rest comfortably however.

When such Orwellian practices begin to take hold, they always smoulder out on to other areas like lava.

Next Up In Europe, Palestine and Israel, USA

Maree Campbell

Maree Campbell


September 17, 2024

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